Character design collection


* personnalité, expression, pose, mode *

Le character design, ou conception de personnage, est l’un de mes domaines préférés de l’illustration. Observer les gens dans la rue, un souvenir, une tenue, une expression ou une pose: tout peut devenir source d’inspiration. On peut ensuite s’imaginer la vie de notre personnage, ses goûts, ses envies et choisir comment le représenter au mieux.

En voici une petite sélection. Quels sont les prénoms qui vous viennent à l’esprit pour ces personnages?

pose, mode

Client: projet personnel
Techniques: encre, crayons, digital (Procreate et Adobe Photoshop)
Services: illustration, character design (personnages)

Character design of a woman with a colorful suit. Her outfit is animated with different patterns. By Meg Chikhani
Fashion illustration of a woman with big boots. By Meg Chikhani

Fashion illustration of a woman in her summer outfits. She seems so proud of her sunglasses. By Meg Chikhani

A character design of a woman with a striped shirt. The drawing is made with ink. By Meg Chikhani
Fashion illustration of a kid in jumpsuits. By Meg Chikhani
D’après un personnage créé par Eglantine Ceulemans

Fashion illustration inspired by "Make my lemonade" and a photo of Pierre-Emmanuel Testard. Design by Meg Chikhani
D’après une photo de Pierre-Emmanuel Testard pour Make My Lemonade

Character design of a woman smoking a cigarette. She is pensive. By Meg Chikhani

Character design of a little girl on roller skates. She is so cool. By Meg Chikhani
D’après un personnage créé par Eglantine Ceulemans
Character design of a very proud woman in her summer dress. She wears a big and extravagant straw hat. By Meg Chikhani

Fashion illustration of a woman taking a smoke break. She seems dreamy. By Meg Chikhani
A character design of a woman with long hair. There is an brush next to the illustration. Made by Meg Chikhani

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